Be heard.

Inspire action.

Foster change.

Learn to communicate in ways school never taught you.

From the stage to the meeting room to the living room, I help you show up more confidently and more effectively, especially when conflict is present.

Michael Ashford smiling

How would it feel to be truly heard?  

Everyone has a story to tell, including you.

Whether or not you feel confident in sharing your story in a way that draws others to action depends on your ability to unearth your unique perspective, ideas, and experiences that bypass clichés and cookie-cutter platitudes.

There are a lot of speaking and communications coaches out there, but only I take the approach of an investigative journalist to help you reveal the details of your talk that makes your message resonate.

15 questions download preview


15 Questions to Ask Yourself

To Reveal Your Talk’s Hidden Potential

Acey Holmes testimonial image
His purpose to help each speaker find their message as their truest self is so clear.
— Acey Holmes
Racquel Garcia testimonial image
This man has provided the safe space for me to elevate my speaking to an entirely new level.
— Racquel Garcia
Paul Hylenski testimonial image
I couldn’t have asked for a more dedicated, knowledgeable, and supportive mentor.
— Paul Hylenski

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Michael Ashford sitting down while taking notes

I’m a former journalist, a two-time TEDx speaker, a long-time podcaster, and a marketing executive