Podcast Interviewing Masterclass

If you’ve ever turned on a podcast microphone and recorded yourself asking someone else questions about their life and work, you know that interviewing is far more than an innate ability.

In this live session, I’ll teach you how to master your interview technique to create powerful conversations.

I’ll share hilarious, meaningful, and eye-opening examples of interview techniques, along with actionable tactics you can implement, to help you level up your interviews so that you, your guests, and your listeners leave satisfied.

Top takeaways from this course:

  • Signs of a bad interview: Clichés, robotic questions, and surface-level answers crush the chance for an interview to shine.

  • Nailing the interview basics: What can you do right now that can set you up for success no matter how much or how little interviewing experience you have?

  • 6 advanced practices you can use to become a pro interviewer: If you want to be known as an excellent interviewer — someone who can hang with the best of ‘em — you’ve got to learn the basics, practice them over and over again until they become second nature, and then add some flair, some pizzazz, and some wow-factor.

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