Ep 109: Dr. Scott Lyons | Is the whole world addicted to the drama?

If I were to ask, “Do you know someone addicted to drama?” there’s a good chance someone’s name and face immediately popped into your mind.

In the immortal words of those epic modern-day poets, The Black Eyed Peas: “I think the whole world's addicted to the drama; Only attracted to things that’ll bring you trauma.”

As it turns out, the Peas weren’t too far off.

My guest in this episode is Dr. Scott Lyons a psychologist, a renowned body-based trauma expert, and the author of the book “Addicted to Drama: Healing Dependency on Crisis & Chaos in Yourself and Others”

As you’ll hear from Scott, drama addiction is a very real thing far beyond a label you might throw out when you’re annoyed by someone’s behavior, and like so many other addictions, it is often wildly misunderstood — how it starts, what it’s masking, and ultimately, what’s needed to overcome and resolve it.



Ep 110: The misunderstanding of active listening


Ep 108: Dr. Kurt Gray | Morality, values, and the 'problem of other minds'