Ep 59: Tania Israel | What's my goal, and do my strategies help?

Take a moment and sincerely try to articulate a view that is opposite of your own.

It’s uncomfortable, and it’s really, really hard to not let your biases and assumptions about “the other side” cloud your ability to articulate their views.

Because chances are, your view of “the other side” is far more extreme than what is actually true, and this is exactly the mindset that is the focal point of my interview with this week’s guest.

Tania Israel is a psychologist, author, and speaker, and a professor at the University of California. As part of her her work she has facilitated educational programs and difficult dialogues about a range of divisive topics, including abortion, law enforcement, religion, and sexual orientation, and she’s written a book titled Beyond Your Bubble.

Tania and I have a fantastically enjoyable conversation about how often we view others who disagree with us in more extreme ways than what is actually true, and how this affects our ability to achieve common ground, and how understanding doesn’t mean agreement.

Find out more about Tania's work at https://taniaisrael.com, and be sure to download her Dialogue Flowchart (https://taniaisrael.com/dialogue-flowchart). Follow Tania on Twitter at https://twitter.com/BYBdialogue.


Ep 60: Bruce Bond | The spark of inspiration needed to seek common ground


Ep 58: Why is it so hard for us to adopt a "listen first" mentality, with Graham Bodie