Ep 121: Amy Morin | Building mental strength through reclaiming control over your thoughts and emotions

One of the ways us humans feel the most vulnerable and least empowered is when others have authority and control over us.

Take away a person’s sense of autonomy and I’ll show you a person who is unsure of themselves, angry, and without peace.

When you voluntarily give away power and control over your thoughts and actions, psychologist Amy Morin says this chips away at your mental strength and your ability to be emotionally healthy.

As she wrote in her first book, “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do,” “giving other people the power to control how you think, feel, and behave makes it impossible to be mentally strong.”

In this conversation, Amy and I discuss what happens when you reclaim control over your thoughts and feelings, how it allows you to separate your opinions from facts, and how her experiences with grief and loss led her to write her original list of 13 things mentally strong people don’t do that turned into so much more than she could have anticipated.   


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Ep 122: Meghan Bonde | Neurodiversity, the 5 intensities, and communicating to meet social-emotional needs


Ep 120: Jason Rosoff | The importance of delivering feedback and criticism with care