Ep 62: John Noltner | Ask gently and continue to show up in the search for peace

When you hear the word peace, what comes to mind?

For this week’s guest, John Noltner, the meaning of peace has come out of some pretty uncomfortable moments.

In the wake of the 2008 recession John's freelance photography gigs were too few and far between to keep the bills paid, so he had to come up with a plan.

And so, John began a project that came to be called A Peace of My Mind, where he traveled the country gathering stories and portraits of people.

He details his travels and stories in his new book, Portraits of Peace: Searching for hope in a divided America. And in our conversation, John and I talk about all that he has learned along the way.

Connect with John at https://apomm.net and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/apeaceofmymind1.


Ep 63: Stacey Copas | Resilience is not coping or getting back to what once was


Ep 61: Gale Sinatra and Barbara Hofer | How science's misunderstood 'embrace of uncertainty' fuels denialism