Ep 63: Stacey Copas | Resilience is not coping or getting back to what once was
What does resilience mean these days? Depending on your view of the world, we're either displaying our resilience as human beings, or we're succumbing to our lack of it.
For this week's guest, Stacey Copas, who was paralyzing in a diving accident as a kid, resilience means so many things. But it most certainly does not mean going back to "the way things were" — something many of us have likely longed for at some point over the last 18 months.
Stacey speaks around the world about resiliency and how to put it into practice, using her own story as inspiration to so many who need to hear it.
You can connect with Stacey at https://www.staceycopas.com and on LinkedIn.